Photo Gallery - 8              Chess - 2009

                              'Embassy Lament'
Josie Jevons-Hurst, Michael Kennedy, Jean Taylor, Oliver Hambly, Joan Reynolds Jones, David J Lee, Debbie Simnor

Josie Jevons-Hurst, Jean Taylor,  Michael Kennedy, Mike Ellis,lor,  David J Lee, Debbie Simnor

Jean Taylor, Oliver Hambly, Joan Reynolds Jones

Michael Kennedy, Oliver Hambly, Mike Ellis, Paul Kirkbright, David J Lee

Michael Kennedy, Oliver Hambly, Mike Ellis

Michael Kennedy David J Lee

Debbie Simnor Josie Jevons-Hurst

                 Walter has a plan

Mike Ellis

Paul Kirkbright, Sarah Hardman-Gardner

                              'Anthem'Paul Kirkbright and Company
                                                                      click to enlarge